Convert to Drip Irrigation (View Catalog)

99999, Pembroke Pines
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If you’re interested in a drip irrigation system, our highly skilled technicians will assess your yard and come up with the optimal solution for you.  Call us today to get started!

A targeted drip irrigation system can drastically reduce your water consumption while allowing your trees and plants to flourish with life.  

Spray irrigation systems are best for lawns and large expanses of turf.  However, for more focused landscaping operations – such as rows of plants, a garden, or a flowerbed - converting to a drip irrigation could be extremely beneficial.

Drip irrigation works by applying water directly to the turf surface or subsurface in a preset pattern via a network of valves, pipes, and drippers.  This means that your plants’ root systems will receive water exactly where they need it and excess water won’t be lost in the process.  It’s likely that your current spray system is hitting your home, windows, fencing, or sidewalks with excess water – this is wasteful and can lead to undesirable damage in the long run.

Applying a drip irrigation system will also lower your energy consumption, as these systems operate at a low pressure.  On the other hand, spray irrigation systems run at a high pressure and require considerably more energy to run.  

If you’re looking to maximize the efficiency of your water consumption and energy usage, a drip irrigation system is a great option to consider for your home.


How does drip irrigation reduce water consumption?

Spray irrigation systems simply spray water across the entire square footage of your turf. This means significant amounts of water are lost to surface evaporation and excess water is consumed by unfavorable plants (i.e. weeds). Much water is also lost by penetrating soil that doesn’t contain any vital root networks. Drip irrigation systems provide focused, optimal soil moisture levels required for your plants and trees to thrive. Since water is applied directly to your plants’ root zones, you won’t be wasting excess water on less important areas of your lawn.

Does a drip system require different maintenance than my spray system?

A drip system actually requires much less maintenance than a typical spray system. No more walking outside to find that some of your sprinkler heads need to be replaced AGAIN – yet another place you’ll save money with a drip system. However, it’s important to keep an eye on your drip system to ensure that it doesn’t get clogged or have its lines chewed on by neighborhood pests.

What are the best applications for a drip irrigation system?

Under the right circumstances, a drip irrigation system can work wonders for your landscaping. The optimal applications for a drip system are shrub beds and planting areas, flower beds, gardens, and narrow/strangely shaped/hard-to-water areas. With the targeted water flow, your plants will grow fuller and more vibrant than ever.

What does the process look like for converting a spray system to a drip system?

First we’ll convert one of your existing sprinkler heads into a filter and pressure regulator. Then we’ll cap the remaining sprinkler heads where you want your drip system to be and install irrigation lines to each plant’s root zone.

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