Estate Lawn Care

Phone: (416) 786-7699
Email: [email protected]
Address: 10 Gord Matthews Way
Uxbridge, Ontario L9P 0E9

Customer Name:     

Maria Kardaris
Estimate Date: 09/08/2021

Grass cutting season runs from May 1st - October 30th. Weekly or bi-weekly grass cutting service is to be paid via Credit Card on file or Etransfer. Snow removal season runs from November 15th - April 15th and is to be prepaid via Credit Card on file or Etransfer. For a complete list of our Service Policies, please visit HST#706837085RC0001


Subtotal: $1,300.00
Tax: $169.00
Past Balance: $0.00
Total Amount:            $1,469.00

Item Quantity Price Tax% Total Price
Snow Removal 2021/2022 1.0 $1,300.00 / Season 13.0 $1,300.00

We take great pride In servicing your property. Our promise is to provide our customers with the highest level of quality Lawn Care and Snow Removal services. We build lasting relationships with our clients by exceeding their expectations and gaining their trust through exceptional performance.

The online payment feature has not been activated.

You can make a payment directly to the business.

Estimate Approval

Your Full Name:

Your Email:

By selecting the "I Approve" button, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement. You will receive an email confirmation.

I Approve

Other Services We Offer

Grass Cutting
Core Aeration
Overseeding Weed Control

Spring / Fall Cleanup
Flowerbed Mulching
Snow Removal


Ashley Kruyne wrote:
Hi Dino, before I pay this, can you please change the 'bill to' name to Ashley Kruyne and remove my name. Thank you, (10/12/21)