Contact Info

98 Covell Street
New Bedford, MA 02745
Phone: n/a
Website: n/a



I'll Holla Landscaping

Need to keep your lawn maintained and healthy? Want to add a row of shrubs to make your yard more private? Interested in an automated sprinkler system? We’ve got you covered!

Welcome to I'll Holla Landscaping. Here’s what separates us from the rest of the pack:

A Diverse (and creative) Team of Professionals
Everyone on our payroll is a highly qualified expert in landscaping and property management. We only hire the cream of the crop who are passionate about what they do.

Exceptional Customer Relationships
This is the foundation of our business. We treat all of our customers like family and value every relationship we create.

An Extensive Service Catalog
We’re proud to offer a wide range of services to create or maintain your perfect yard. Nothing is outside the realm of possibility with us at I'll Holla Landscaping!

Give us a call today to see what’s possible for your property!


  • Lawn care
  • Mulch
  • Tree service
  • and much more!


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