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Are you tired of paying too much money for a mowing job that your grandma could do better? At Above Mowing we will treat your lawn like it's our own.

Our passion for lawn care was sparked while driving around. We saw lawns that were being neglected. Grass all over the road and weeds being missed around poles, fences, buildings and other objects. First impressions play a major role here, home and business owners are judged by the appearance of their lawn and landscape. We were disappointed in the current services being offered and wanted to raise a standard for lawn care.

Throughout scripture, God constantly reminds His people to be just and fair. Proverbs 11.1 says, "The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights." Here at Above Mowing, we are not looking for a way to get quick cash, but we desire to honor God with how we handle customers and this business. Which is why we will do our best at giving a fair price as well as a job well done.

The name "Above Mowing" has many meanings, but one in particular comes from Matthew 6:33;
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."


  • Grass Cutting
  • Weed Eating
  • Bush Trimming


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