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Mt Holly, NC 28120

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RJT Grading LLC

In 1990 there wasn't much a teenager could do to make extra money but wanting to do something constructive with his spare time Terry Stephenson II would help elderly neighbors by cutting their grass and helping tend to their landscaping needs. At eleven years old he was too young to start a business but knew he enjoyed making a difference. During the next four years word of mouth regarding his ethics and determination developed a reputation that had spread and Terry Stephenson II now had clients paying him to cut their lawns and his portfolio was growing. In 1995 due to downsizing Terry Stephenson lost his job. Needing to support his family and his desire to spend more time with his children combined with being illiterate and not having an education left few job opportunities so the dad took inspiration from his son and decided to start a family owned business expanding his expertise a long side his sons while the girls maintained the business management. Both Terry and his wife started a family owned construction company instilling virtues and integrity in their children. Though the extent of his contributions goes much further and has contributed much more in 1997 James married into the family and added tremendous skill and value to the growth and success of the business. We enjoyed working with each other on common goals as a family. As the children grew and spouses as well as grandchildren were added to the equation other skills have also been added and we have continued working on common goals as a family remaining consistent with the virtues, ethics and integrity committed to our local community as well as our clients. The younger generations started operating the heavy equipment, handling landscaping, and assisting in any way they could as soon as they were able to reach the pedals or hammer a nail. We’ve been honing our expertise in construction, landscaping, and yard maintenance for over 25 years. Now, relying on the education and dedication our diverse team we can come to you as a small family of local designers, laborers, and landscape architects, we can confidently say that we offer the highest-quality landscaping services in the Charlotte area coming to you as a 100% family-owned business that pride ourselves on exceptional customer relationships – just as we always have.
Everything we do is guided by the vision and creativity of our customers. Nothing is outside the realm of possibility
Thankfully, due to the company history we offer more than just a complete catalog of different landscaping services to choose from. We also offer a diverse and highly seasoned skilled team able to take it a step further and also provide construction projects from our master carpenter or general bobcat/backhoe equipment needs. You tell us what you’d like your yard to look like and we’ll get it done for you. No questions asked. We have built everything from handicap ramps, castle playhouses, tree houses, dollhouses, raised garden beds, pergolas, decks, and gazebos to home renovations.Whether you have a large-scale project or a simple maintenance task, we don’t consider any job to be outside our scope of work and we’ve got the resources to get it done for you. We consider every landscaping job (installation, maintenance, and repair) within our wheelhouse. We offer high-quality year-round landscaping services for private homes, estates, commercial properties, and public lands. Our services offerings are varied, adaptable, and complete – we can help you take any project from conception to completion. We will be able to handle every aspect of your project and maintain consistent communication with you throughout each job.


  • Landscaping design and installation (lighting, shrubs, flowers, sod)
  • Hedge trimming
  • Core aeration
  • Grading
  • Trenching
  • General Carpentry
  • …...
  • Lawn restoration & maintenance
  • Tree planting & pruning
  • Weekly maintenance
  • Leveling
  • Construction including outdoor structures and designs we create or your own imagination ( we make dreams reality)
  • Restoration


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