Message: You are currently signed in as a Guest User. Here, you can try out Yardbook without making changes to your own account. If this is your first time using Yardbook, try creating a new invoice !


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A CSV or Excel file can be used to import records. The first row should be the column name. The following columns are allowed.

Sample files: Excel, CSV

Required columns

contact_first_name First name of the customer contact
address_line1 Address of the customer
city Customer city
zip_code Customer zip code
View optional columns

Optional columns

contact_last_name Last name of the customer contact
business_name Name of business
email Customer email address
phone Customer phone #
mobile Customer mobile #
fax Customer's fax #
address_line2 Line 2 of the address
state State. This value will be copied from your company record if it's not specified in your file.
country Country. This value will be copied from your company record if it's not specified in your file.
payment_term Set this to one of these values: "Due On Receipt", "Net 7", "Net 10", "Net 14", "Net 15", "Net 20", "Net 30", "Net 45", "Net 60", "Net 90"
discount Set a default discount% for the customer. This value can be changed later when an invoice is created.
tags Add one or more tags to the customer, seperate different tags using commas.

Import History

Having trouble setting up your file? No problem!
Email our support team and we can help you set it up correctly. (email: [email protected] )

Status Message Create Date Import